Essay : Dreams


 Essay: Dreams

Writer: Ekram Ullah

Class: 10th

A dream does not became reality through magic, it take sweat, determinations and hard work.

Dreams are tough, thinking, and imaginations until you cannot do hard work. Everyone can see dreams. These are not that that dreams that we sleep and see, these are related to reality. Every individual in his/her life has a dream. If you have affection toward your dreams and if you want to convert it into reality you must have to do magic. Whenever we use the word magic our minds walks toward the world of imagination. But when we use the word magic for dreams that is not imagination. Rather that it means hard work, and determination.

Dreams have a prominent role in our lives. According to a poet dreams are very important. He describes the importance of dreams in these words of poetry.

“Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is broken winged bird

That cannot fly.”

Every successful person has a dream in his/her life, but also unsuccessful have. According to science, the fastest thing in the whole universe is light. Its speed is about 3.0 * 108. m/s . According to the father of modern science sir Albert Einstein, if we travel with the speed of light we will convert into energy. But according to philosophy thinking is faster than all the things in the universe.

Whenever we look back to the history of successful people they achieved their dreams. Success is that when your dream became reality. Just like Addison the inventor of light bulb. Today the light bulb is not blowing but indirectly the person behind that (Addison) is blowing.

If you wants to achieve your dreams you must do hard word and have a strong determination. I will tell you the history of past US president Barak Obama; he is an inspiration of masses in respect of his big thinking and strong determination. He was a teacher and he always advises to his students that you must have big dream and a strong determination. Once a day a pupil in the class stood up and asked form Barak Obama about his dream, he replied the he wants to become the president of United State of America. After some years he work hard and achieve his dream and became the president of USE.

We cannot achieve our dreams without hard work.  Hard work is the key to success. It is a true reality that “ A dream does not became reality without sweat on body, strong determination and hard work.

                                                                                                                           Thank you for reading! 


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